Catapult Learning Professional Development
Your Strategic PD Partner.
Catapult Learning offers an extensive catalog of more than 160 unique professional learning course topics that can be customized for schools and districts. We assist our partners in selecting courses based on a consultative discussion or assessment around the specific needs of the school or staff.
Catapult Learning
Professional Development
One for all.
Catapult Learning offers an extensive catalog of more than 160 unique professional learning course topics that can be customized for schools and districts. We assist our partners in selecting courses based on a consultative discussion or assessment around the specific needs of the school or staff.
Professional Development Courses
Our 160+ courses are based in our Professional Development Tracks that work seamlessly together to deliver support personalized for your educators and leadership. Catapult Learning Professional Development elevates the classroom experience by strengthening educators’ capabilities and confidence in all aspects of teaching, learning, and development.

- Behavior Strategies
- Student Engagement Practices
- Executive Function & Resilience
Instructional Excellence
for Academic Achievement

- Literacy
- Math
- Assessment
- Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

- Change Management
- Building an Achievement-Oriented Culture
- Developing Effective Teams
Catapult Learning Professional Development Courses
Below is a list of our extensive course catalog which cover a variety of topics for educators and leadership. For more information, and course descriptions, please fill out the form via the button link below and a member of our School Partnerships team will contact you shortly.
Classroom Management to Unlock Learning Courses
Bold font indicates course is available as part of a PDNow package (accessible online asynchronously, 24/7), while blue font indicates course is available exclusively through PDNow
Spaces Organized for Learning
Effective Classroom Management
Developing Learner Voice
Developing Core Values
Cooperative Learning and Teamwork
Optimizing Learning: Effective Small Group Instruction Strategies
Interactive and Engaging Teaching Strategies
Interactive and Engaging Teaching Strategies in Virtual Learning
Promoting Teacher Self-Care and Wellness
Introduction to Social-Emotional Learning
Supporting Executive Function and Self-Regulation
Helping Students Cope with Anxiety
Modeling and Teaching Social-Emotional Skill Building
Advancing Equity in the Classroom
Recognizing Implicit Bias and Striving for Cultural Competency
Promoting a Safe and Positive School Climate
Cultural Competence
Promoting Engagement and Achievement in a Community of Learners
Fostering a Growth Mindset in the Classroom
A Social-Emotional Learning Approach to Climate and Culture
Introduction to Trauma-Informed Practices
Trauma-Informed Educational Practices
Caregivers as Partners: Supporting In-Home Learning
Powerful Teams: Teachers Working with Paraprofessionals
Creating a Positive Classroom Culture for Students with Significant Behavior Support Needs
Supporting Students with Intensive Social-Emotional and Behavioral Challenges
Introduction to Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Tiered Behavioral Interventions
Intensive Behavioral Interventions