California Educator Effectiveness Fund

Only 6 out of 10 families feel their teachers are equipped to handle the social, emotional, and behavioral challenges facing students today.* Now is the time to invest your Educator Effectiveness Fund (EEF) block grant to equip your educators to support the whole child with high-quality professional development (PD) and coaching on MTSS, inclusive practices, SEL, and equity.

Catapult Learning, a full-service partner with funding know-how and extensive experience in both general and special education settings, provides research-based PD that addresses today’s classroom challenges. Our flexible solutions can be delivered online, in-person, in the classroom, or asynchronously via PDNow.

“Working with Catapult Learning has transformed the dynamics of how we perceive professional development and training at our school…what we particularly love about this partnership and the resources they provide is the fact that they are unafraid to delve deep into issues that impact schools on a daily basis and create proactive solutions to address these critical areas for not only core instructional staff but also building administrators.”

Dr. Nadira Jack, Chief School Administrator

Literacy First®: The Science of Reading

Our comprehensive, research-based professional learning process leads to effective, standards-aligned instruction and improves literacy instruction across all subject areas.

Put Your California Educator Effectiveness Funds to Work

Whether you’re seeking full-service PD or a combination of PD and academic support services designed to accelerate learning,
our experts are ready to support you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Grant funding can be used for:

  • Coaching and mentoring of staff
  • Programs that lead to effective, standards-aligned instruction and improve instruction in literacy across all subject areas
  • Practices and strategies that reengage pupils and lead to accelerated learning.
  • Strategies to implement social-emotional learning and trauma-informed practices
  • Practices to create a positive school climate, and strategies to improve inclusive practices
  • Instruction and education to support implementing effective language acquisition programs for English learners
  • New professional learning networks to engage educators
  • Instruction, education, and strategies for certificated and classified educators in early childhood education, or childhood development.

A full list of eligible services is provided by the California DOE here.

Catapult’s services that align with California’s EEF grant funding include:

According to the California DOE, allocation of funds is based on an equal amount per full-time equivalent (FTE) certificated staff which shall not exceed the certificated count, and FTE classified staff for each local educational agency (LEA) and state special school. The calculated funding rate is $2,415.80 ($2,415.7984955) per certificated and classified staff as defined in California Education Code (EC) Section 41480(a)(1). Allocations for eligible LEAs and state special schools are available here: Funding Results: Educator Effectiveness, FY 2021-22.

In order to receive Educator Effectiveness Funds, a school district is required to:

  • On or before March 31, 2023, develop and adopt a plan detailing how the funds will be spent, including the professional development of teachers, administrators, and staff.
  • Submit an annual data report and an annual expenditure report detailing information to the CDE, including purchases made and the number of teachers, administrators, and staff that received professional development on or before September 30 of each year. A final data and expenditure report is required to be submitted to the CDE on or before September 30, 2026.

Click here for more details.

Use EEF Dollars to Close Achievement Gaps

Achievement begins with sound instruction. Catapult Learning’s evidence-based intervention and accelerated learning programs are designed to close academic achievement gaps and support the academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs of your entire school community. Our anytime, anywhere approach to implementation means we can deliver online, in-person, or hybrid services that can support your school now, during the summer, and throughout the school year.

Learning gaps must be closed expeditiously, and there’s simply no room for wasted instruction time.

  • Ensure a school’s allocated time is used in engaging instruction
  • Make instructional time more efficient and effective

Our programs encourage students to invest in themselves by becoming more engaged with their learning.

  • Ensure students are active and engaged in learning
  • Monitor individual success