Teamwork Made the Dream Work in Allentown

One for all.

School improvement takes a village, and that village often consists of not only school leadership and teachers but also coaches and content specialists who have experience providing the support and coaching that struggling schools need.

In June 2021, two middle schools in Allentown, PA, sought school improvement services and coaching to improve instruction as well as overall school leadership. The Allentown School District selected Catapult Learning as a partner to provide professional learning and coaching support to achieve these schools’ goals.

Through this partnership, we provided content area specialists to support the key priorities outlined in each school’s specific plan. Coaching support was provided in math, ELA, English Learners, and school culture, with Catapult Learning’s Professional Development Specialists working directly with each school’s content coaches.

Our specialists also collaborated with coaches and teachers during instruction, often leveraging co-teaching and modeling opportunities. As the partnership progressed, our team participated in quarterly achievement review meetings with district leadership, school leadership, and data partners to ensure the plans for school improvement monitoring were being followed.

Our professional development services were so well-received by the Allentown School District and school leadership that we began supporting a third middle school in August 2022.

Your educators support all student needs. We support your educators, all the way.

Each school and district have their own unique needs. That is why a partnership with Catapult Learning includes tailored solutions that fit the needs of educators today while growing and evolving to meet new professional learning challenges and goals.

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One holistic program. Positive impact for all.

At Catapult Learning, we know that your educators support all student needs. That’s why we support your educators, all the way. To help educators address a range of academic challenges—including student behavioral issues, classroom management gaps, and leadership development—we offer a comprehensive training program backed by decades of experience as educators and coaches.