Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment
How is Title IV, Part A funding determined?
Title IV, Part A (Title IV-A) funding is determined by formula and provides higher funding levels to states and districts with the highest number of low-income students. Students and schools do not have to be eligible for Title I services in order to benefit from the new Title IV-A program.
What is Consultation?
On an annual basis, LEA contacts private school officials located within its boundaries or, for Title IA, the LEA contacts private school officials with students residing in the LEA and attending private schools.
Consultation is the required, ongoing process of communication between private school officials and public school special education officials on a list of topics.
Elements of Successful Consultation
- Establishes positive and productive working relationships
- Makes planning effective
- Serves to ensure that the services provided meet the needs of eligible students
- Describe programs available and allowable activities
- Address the specific needs of nonpublic school students and teachers
- Provide opportunity for meaningful dialogue on program design
Title IV-A Categories
To support access to a well-rounded education, coordinate with other services, and promote partnerships with institutions of higher education, businesses, nonprofit institutions, community-based organizations, and others.
- Funding for college and career guidance and counseling programs
- Using music and the arts as tools to support student success
- Improving instruction and student engagement in STEM
- Increasing access for underrepresented populations
- Supporting low-income students in nonprofit STEM competitions
- Providing hands-on learning in STEM and service learning
- Integrating other subjects with STEM
- Increasing the availability of accelerated learning courses, dual or concurrent enrollment, or early college high school courses
- Promoting programs to teach traditional American history, civics, economics, geography or government education
- Providing foreign language instruction
- Teaching environmental education
- Promoting volunteerism
- Integrating multiple disciplines
Catapult Learning Programs
To develop, implement, and evaluate comprehensive programs and activities that are coordinated with other schools and community-based programs; foster safe, healthy, supportive and drug-free environments; promote the involvement of parents; and drug prevention and violence prevention activities.
- Integrating health and safety practices into school or athletic programs
- Promoting healthy, active lifestyles
- Preventing bullying and harassment
- Building relationships
- Providing mentoring and school counseling services
- Establishing dropout and re-entry programs
- Integrating systems of student and family supports
- Providing high quality training for school personnel
Catapult Learning Programs
To improve academic achievement, academic growth, and digital literacy.
- Providing educators with tools, devices, content and resources to personalize learning
- Discovering high quality educational resources
- Using technology effectively in the classroom to inform instruction, supporting teacher collaboration, and personalizing learning
- Building technical capacity and infrastructure—procuring content and ensuring content quality and purchasing devices, equipment, and software applications to address readiness shortfalls
- Delivering specialized academic courses and curricula
- Carrying out blended learning projects
- Providing ongoing professional development designed to support the projects and using technology to increase student achievement in STEM
Catapult Learning Programs