The Archdiocese of New York Central Westchester Region invites you to our new professional development session Learn & Grow: Spring Mini-Conference Day on April 6, 2022 from 1:00pm-4:00pm.
Register before April 1st to reserve your spot!
MATH: Project-Based Learning in Math
As we approach the end of the academic year and both state exams are nearly behind us, it can be daunting to think about ways to keep kids engaged and focused on learning. In this session, teachers will discuss how impactful projects can be as a way for students to enhance their math skills and conclude the school year on a fun note.
Led by: Hannah Painter and Kate Segal
SOCIAL STUDIES: Project-Based Assessment in the Social Studies Classroom
There is significant evidence that active, student-centered forms of instruction, such as Project-Based Learning, are better at producing deeper learning in students. However, some students are less likely to have access to those learning experiences. This workshop will give you actionable resources to implement effective, inquiry-based projects within the Scope and Sequence of Social Studies to spark engaging learning experiences and foment a learner-centered environment that concentrates on learners’ application of disciplinary concepts, tools, experiences, and technologies to research the answers to questions and solve real-word problems
Led by: Lauren Wyner
SEL: Behaviors & Positive Reinforcements
Participants will understand the value of reinforcement strategies to promote positive behaviors, reflect on personal experiences and beliefs about reinforcement and mindsets, learn and practice/plan for using evidence based reinforcement strategies, learn about and plan for evidence-based child-led play strategies that promote positive behavior as well as reflect on how the lessons from reinforcement can be applied to self-care.
Led by: Mary Jo Chevalier and Julieth Benjumea
SCIENCE: Nature Journaling
In this session we’ll explore the how and why to start a nature journaling practice with your students. We’ll examine the scientific skills involved, the SEL connections, and tie in elements of literacy and math. So grab some paper and colored pencils and join in this mini-nature journaling experience!
Led by: Tiffany Franklin
TECHNOLOGY: Virtual Projects as a Form of Assessment
There is no better time than now to create a project with your class! This workshop will cover everything from the beginning idea stage to developing meaningful and stunning presentations that your students will be able to deliver to your class. By the end of this workshop, you will have all the tools you need to execute a well designed plan which you can print and show off on your bulletin board. Virtual Projects are a way to increase confidence in students by allowing them to teach concepts they’ve learned on their own, and great way to incorporate STEM, PBL, and student-centered learning.
Led by: John Matula
SEL: Behaviors & Positive Reinforcements
Participants will understand the value of reinforcement strategies to promote positive behaviors, reflect on personal experiences and beliefs about reinforcement and mindsets, learn and practice/plan for using evidence based reinforcement strategies, learn about and plan for evidence-based child-led play strategies that promote positive behavior as well as reflect on how the lessons from reinforcement can be applied to self-care.
Led by: Mary Jo Chevalier and Julieth Benjumea
ELA: Continuing the Learning after State Exams
Reading State Exams are finished, it is getting warmer outside, and there are only 8-weeks left of school. In this session, participants will discuss how to keep students engaged for the remainder of the year with project based learning that incorporates cross-curricular ideas. Participants will leave the session with grade-level ideas, resources, and a calendar to continue planning out their unit.
Led by: Kayla Dunn
SEL: Behaviors & Positive Reinforcements
Participants will understand the value of reinforcement strategies to promote positive behaviors, reflect on personal experiences and beliefs about reinforcement and mindsets, learn and practice/plan for using evidence based reinforcement strategies, learn about and plan for evidence-based child-led play strategies that promote positive behavior as well as reflect on how the lessons from reinforcement can be applied to self-care.
Led by: Mary Jo Chevalier and Julieth Benjumea
ELECTIVES: Planning for Electives
This session will be used as a Professional Learning Community for specialists. The focus will be creating lessons that specifically connect the elective classes to the goals of the school, particularly in reading, writing, and mathematics. Knowing that the specialists have very different curricula, we will explore engaging opportunities for each grade band (K-2, 3-5, and 6-8). CTLE credit is not available for these planning sessions.
Led by: Dr. Patti Jenkins
Grades 3-5
SCIENCE: Nature Journaling
In this session we’ll explore the how and why to start a nature journaling practice with your students. We’ll examine the scientific skills involved, the SEL connections, and tie in elements of literacy and math. So grab some paper and colored pencils and join in this mini-nature journaling experience!
Led by: Tiffany Franklin
TECH: Virtual Projects as a Form of Assessment
There is no better time than now to create a project with your class! This workshop will cover everything from the beginning idea stage to developing meaningful and stunning presentations that your students will be able to deliver to your class. By the end of this workshop, you will have all the tools you need to execute a well designed plan which you can print and show off on your bulletin board. Virtual Projects are a way to increase confidence in students by allowing them to teach concepts they’ve learned on their own, and great way to incorporate STEM, PBL, and student-centered learning.
Led by: John Matula
ELECTIVES: Planning for Electives
This session will be used as a Professional Learning Community for specialists. The focus will be creating lessons that specifically connect the elective classes to the goals of the school, particularly in reading, writing, and mathematics. Knowing that the specialists have very different curricula, we will explore engaging opportunities for each grade band (K-2, 3-5, and 6-8). CTLE credit is not available for these planning sessions.
Led by: Dr. Patti Jenkins
ELA: Continuing the Learning after State Exams
Reading State Exams are finished, it is getting warmer outside, and there are only 8-weeks left of school. In this session, participants will discuss how to keep students engaged for the remainder of the year with project based learning that incorporates cross-curricular ideas. Participants will leave the session with grade-level ideas, resources, and a calendar to continue planning out their unit.
Led by: Kayla Dunn
Data: Routines with MAP Accelerator
MAP Accelerator directs your students to RIT-score appropriate math content on Khan Academy. Like all digital resources, classroom success depends on the routines we place around it. This session will help you explore two different routines to utilize MAP Accelerator in your classroom: one in which the teacher assigns specific content, and one in which students work their way through automatically differentiated content on their own time and pace.
Led by: Patrick Sitzer
SCIENCE: Developing and Using Scientific Models: Applications for Formal and Informal Science Lessons
In this session, teachers will learn about the Science and Engineering Practice (SEP 2) on Developing and Using Models. Teachers will learn how to use this science comprehension skill in grade-level appropriate instruction as well as experience a model lesson using Discovery Education / NewsELA where SEP 2 is the focus throughout the instructional segment. Applications to informal settings and project-based learning will also be discussed for fun / engaging lessons at the end of the Spring semester.
Led by: Jonathan Tam
MATH: Project-Based Learning in Math
As we approach the end of the academic year and both state exams are nearly behind us, it can be daunting to think about ways to keep kids engaged and focused on learning. In this session, teachers will discuss how impactful projects can be as a way for students to enhance their math skills and conclude the school year on a fun note.
Led by: Hannah Painter and Kate Segal
SOCIAL STUDIES: Project-Based Assessment in the Social Studies Classroom
There is significant evidence that active, student-centered forms of instruction, such as Project-Based Learning, are better at producing deeper learning in students. However, some students are less likely to have access to those learning experiences. This workshop will give you actionable resources to implement effective, inquiry-based projects within the Scope and Sequence of Social Studies to spark engaging learning experiences and foment a learner-centered environment that concentrates on learners’ application of disciplinary concepts, tools, experiences, and technologies to research the answers to questions and solve real-word problems.
Led by: Lauren Wyner
Grades 6-8
ELA: Continuing the Learning after State Exams
Reading State Exams are finished, it is getting warmer outside, and there are only 8-weeks left of school. In this session, participants will discuss how to keep students engaged for the remainder of the year with project based learning that incorporates cross-curricular ideas. Participants will leave the session with grade-level ideas, resources, and a calendar to continue planning out their unit.
Led by: Kayla Dunn
Data: Routines with MAP Accelerator
MAP Accelerator directs your students to RIT-score appropriate math content on Khan Academy. Like all digital resources, classroom success depends on the routines we place around it. This session will help you explore two different routines to utilize MAP Accelerator in your classroom: one in which the teacher assigns specific content, and one in which students work their way through automatically differentiated content on their own time and pace.
Led by: Patrick Sitzer
SCIENCE: Developing and Using Scientific Models: Applications for Formal and Informal Science Lessons
In this session, teachers will learn about the Science and Engineering Practice (SEP 2) on Developing and Using Models. Teachers will learn how to use this science comprehension skill in grade-level appropriate instruction as well as experience a model lesson using Discovery Education / NewsELA where SEP 2 is the focus throughout the instructional segment. Applications to informal settings and project-based learning will also be discussed for fun / engaging lessons at the end of the Spring semester.
Led by: Jonathan Tam
MATH: Project-Based Learning in Math
As we approach the end of the academic year and both state exams are nearly behind us, it can be daunting to think about ways to keep kids engaged and focused on learning. In this session, teachers will discuss how impactful projects can be as a way for students to enhance their math skills and conclude the school year on a fun note.
Led by: Hannah Painter and Kate Segal
SOCIAL STUDIES: Project-Based Assessment in the Social Studies Classroom
There is significant evidence that active, student-centered forms of instruction, such as Project-Based Learning, are better at producing deeper learning in students. However, some students are less likely to have access to those learning experiences. This workshop will give you actionable resources to implement effective, inquiry-based projects within the Scope and Sequence of Social Studies to spark engaging learning experiences and foment a learner-centered environment that concentrates on learners’ application of disciplinary concepts, tools, experiences, and technologies to research the answers to questions and solve real-word problems.
Led by: Lauren Wyner
ELECTIVES: Planning for Electives
This session will be used as a Professional Learning Community for specialists. The focus will be creating lessons that specifically connect the elective classes to the goals of the school, particularly in reading, writing, and mathematics. Knowing that the specialists have very different curricula, we will explore engaging opportunities for each grade band (K-2, 3-5, and 6-8). CTLE credit is not available for these planning sessions.
Led by: Dr. Patti Jenkins
SCIENCE: Nature Journaling
In this session we’ll explore the how and why to start a nature journaling practice with your students. We’ll examine the scientific skills involved, the SEL connections, and tie in elements of literacy and math. So grab some paper and colored pencils and join in this mini-nature journaling experience!
Led by: Tiffany Franklin
TECHNOLOGY: Virtual Projects as a Form of Assessment
There is no better time than now to create a project with your class! This workshop will cover everything from the beginning idea stage to developing meaningful and stunning presentations that your students will be able to deliver to your class. By the end of this workshop, you will have all the tools you need to execute a well designed plan which you can print and show off on your bulletin board. Virtual Projects are a way to increase confidence in students by allowing them to teach concepts they’ve learned on their own, and great way to incorporate STEM, PBL, and student-centered learning.
Led by: John Matula