February is upon us, and as the winter months continue,
it’s more important than ever to provide our schools with the resources they need to succeed. The Long Island Professional Development Resource Center (PDRC) understands the unique challenges that schools face, and we are dedicated to supporting them in their efforts to provide the best education possible to their students. Whether it’s through professional development opportunities or a wide range of educational resources, we are here to help! In this month’s newsletter, we are excited to share with you the latest tools, resources, and opportunities available to support schools in achieving their goals and helping students reach their full potential.
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Community Spotlight
Beyond Boundaries
The Long Island Lutheran Middle and High School (LuHi) began a program allowing students to step outside of their typical interests. This is what they had to say:
1. As students read the offerings provided, they found some to which they felt naturally inclined, while other courses did not appeal. As we formed class rosters and read applications, we were particularly interested in reasons students gave that illustrated interest in developing new skills, trying a new activity, or honing and developing burgeoning skills. The goal of Beyond Boundaries is to step outside of one’s typical interests, trying something new. In some cases, students found themselves really having to try something unfamiliar or not, on the surface, desirable. It’s amazing what can happen when we realize that we can try something new!
2. This week students had the chance to engage with students and teachers with whom they might not typically work. I saw friendships kindled across grade levels, connections form between educators and students, and the day-to-day LuHi world of individual students expand. In fact, in a few courses, students taught their fellow students, sharing their expertise, while other classes had teaching assistants, in place to support younger learners.
3. This week students had the chance to be “fed” in body, mind, or spirit, or some kind of combination of the three. Courses crossed disciplines, engaged students mentally, physically, emotionally in ways that are not always possible in the typical school day. Teachers worked to share their own passions while seeking to ignite new interest in others, always with their full growth and development in mind.