Martin Luther King Jr. Day honors the achievements of one of the most influential of African American civil rights leaders during the 1960s. Martin Luther King Jr. advocated the use of nonviolence to end racial segregation. The day is celebrated with parades and speeches by civil rights and political leaders. MLK Day is known by many as a day of service. Families, Organizations, and Individuals go out into their communities to give back. This year, High Road School of New Castle County students and staff will be giving back to Emmanuel Dining Room West, a Soup Kitchen in Wilmington, DE. It is open 365 days a year and will accept and appreciate donations of any form from our students. Due to liability, the Soup Kitchen only allows student volunteers who are 15 years old and accompanied by a parent. Individuals 18 and older are open to volunteer at all times. Donations are appreciated and accepted in many forms. For our students: we will provide donations in the form of Care Bags and Making Sandwiches.

Students will be creating Care Bags that can display on the cover: drawings and words of inspiration or encouragement. The Care Bags, themselves, will hold hygiene products, bottles of water, and notes of encouragement from students. Students will also be making sandwiches to donate to the Soup Kitchen.

On January 14, students were given brown bags to decorate or write letters of encouragement or inspiration to include in the Care Bags. Care Bags were then put together on January 16th. On January 17th students made peanut butter sandwiches to donate to the Soup Kitchen.