Meet the Team
Jessica Eddy, High School Therapist

What made you want to get into the therapeutic field?

My passion is in helping people to understand, heal, and turn their pain into strength and life purposes. I believe the power of the human connection can help us grow into our most fulfilled, authentic, and resilient selves. I bring these ideas to work every day with our students.

Noteworthy degree: Master of Science in Counseling (specialization: Marriage and Family); AMFT #104141, EMDR trained clinician

What's a typical day for you at Sierra School?

I spend much of the time with individual students or assisting in group therapy.  When I’m not in a therapy session, I can typically be found in IEP meetings, checking in with parents, and interacting with external service team members in order to best support our student population. I also have fun with the students, cracking jokes and laughing with our great staff.

I really enjoy the depth of the students I get to work with and the inspiring resiliency they hold at such young ages! While some days can be more difficult than others, there is nothing more meaningful to me than sharing in the vulnerability of therapy with a student and watching them grow toward their highest, happiest potential.

Can you give an example of a ‘Little Victory’ you’ve seen a student achieve at Sierra School?

I have worked with a particular student for 1.5 years. They would engage in physical and verbal aggression, property destruction, and other negative behaviors.  Recently, the student was recognized as Most Improved by school staff members, and modeled the use of their therapeutic skills to help support peers.

Is there something you wish people knew about Sierra School?

It’s important to know that our school and staff focus on creating an environment where students feel compassion and support, while also challenging the student’s to develop insight, integrity, empathy, and self-responsibility as they create present and future life goals.

I would honestly be lost without the team that I work with at school!  I have a high regard and the utmost respect for the team that I get to spend my days with because they encompass what it means to be motivated, compassionate, driven individuals and that results in the strong, supportive team that we have now.