In EdWeek Market Brief, CEO of Catapult Learning Jeff Cohen as well as Hank Fien, the director of the University of Oregon’s Center on Teaching and Learning recently discussed the newly formed Institute for Scaling Evidence-Based Education.
Initially, the partnership will focus on ramping up the reach of the center’s Enhanced Core Reading Instruction program. The reading program focuses on using explicit and systematic instruction, teacher modeling, practice, and review. Catapult Learning will provide professional development for the reading program, support with implementation, and other work, such as marketing it to schools. But over time, both Fien and Catapult Learning CEO Jeffrey Cohen said they expect the partnership to extend to other products and programs developed by the university’s researchers.
“Our belief is that getting to scale is one of the big challenges in education,” said Cohen. The university offers the research heft, and “we think of ourselves as the implementation force.”