Koffi Senyo is a valued member of the High Road Lower family. Mr. Koffi teaches our older group of Elementary school students and has worked diligently to create a classroom environment that is focused on learning. Students from his class describe Mr. Koffi as being “smart,” and “easy to talk to when you need help.” It’s clear to staff and students that Mr. Koffi is dedicated to being an educator, and he is always trying to learn new and improved teaching strategies.

In an effort to bring something different to his class, Koffi has been teaching his students basic French words and phrases. As a native French speaker himself, these lessons are a great opportunity for Mr. Koffi to connect to his students on a real-world level. One student even told me that “counting in French is fun!”

Working alongside Koffi are support staff Benet Willis, Kianna Young and Tyler Ferguson. All three of these individuals help students learn new ideas and reinforce old ones during their daily rotations. Whether it be helping keep the peace, or jumping in to take over a lesson, we can always count on Mr. Benet, Ms. Tyler and Ms. Young to be team players. Overall Mr. Koffi and his team have helped develop his classroom into a positive culture that is focused on constantly learning.

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