What has Caleb accomplished over the past month to achieve Student of the Month?

Mrs Megan says that Caleb has significantly changed his behaviors around this school year. Caleb participates daily in activities. Mrs Megan also said that Caleb now verbalizes his frustrations and requests to take breaks.

Mrs Megan said that Caleb has shown improvements in every aspect since the beginning of the year. As well as being able to sit for his 25 minute rotations, 3 times a day. Miss Heather says how Caleb how improved drastically in his behavior management plan and has came a long way.

What is something Caleb has accomplished so far this school year that they are proud of?

Caleb said he is proud of working hard this year and he has reached blue so far. Caleb also said that he is proud of asking for breaks when he is frustrated during class.

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