What has Daesha accomplished over the past month to achieve Student of the Month?
Daesha has continued to grow in the program since arriving for the beginning of the 2019-20 school year. Daesha consistently comes to school on time and prepared. Daesha also takes pride in the school by always taking ownership around the building through various beautification projects. But, the overwhelming reason for her selection as Student of the Month comes from her consistently positive attitude and willingness to help her peers.
“Daesha shows a lot of growth and maturity. She has excelled in all areas (Socially and Academically) and been a pleasure to work with this last month.”-Counselor Wade
“Daesha continues to be extremely focused and dedicated to returning to her home school.”-Mr. Rechel
“D.G. has taken advantage of the smaller setting at WCGA has provided. Always willing to help and accepting responsibility/ownership for her actions has made a huge improvement in her self-esteem and personal relationships.
What is something Daesha has accomplished so far this school year that they are proud of?
Daesha is most proud of her selection into our Student Government through her hard work as well as being named the first Student of the Month.