Welcome back to school and to the new year 2023!
January is often the time when we see the most growth in our students because they know what to expect from their teachers, they are back in the habit of working at school and all the instructional pieces start to fit together. This year will be no exception. As educators let us embrace the students with support, understanding and guidance as we start off the second part of the school year.
Upcoming Workshops
Strategies to Support All Learners: Universal Design
for Learning 3-Part Series
There are such diverse learners in our classrooms. Each child is unique and as educators, we need to support them to reach their maximum potential and shine in their own individual ways. During these workshops, teachers will think strategically about the students’ strengths and weaknesses in their classes. Then they will discuss how to build a learning environment that highlights these strengths and develops their weaknesses so that all students can shine. By the end of this 3-part series, educators will have redesigned a lesson so that it fits into the Universal Design for Learning template. This will give students multiple opportunities to learn the content being taught. Teachers will also have specific strategies to differentiate learning for students who need additional support.

Community Spotlight

Centennial Year for Holy Angels Regional School
In 2023 Holy Angels Regional School will be celebrating its Centennial Year. In honor of this accomplishment students and families created a Christmas float with a 100 year banner that they proudly shared during the annual Christmas parade. Celebrating the longevity of the school which has been dedicated to educating students and creating a learning environment based on tradition, school spirit and keeping the faith was an honor to the community.