Equity Multiplier for California Schools2024-06-20T14:07:41-04:00

Maximize Equity Multiplier Funding for California Schools

Maximize Equity Multiplier Funding for California Schools

Home » Equity Multiplier for California Schools

Catapult Learning is dedicated to supporting California schools with navigating the complexities of the Equity Multiplier initiative. With $300 million allocated annually to eligible schools, this statewide endeavor aims to bolster educational equity for economically disadvantaged students. Equity Multiplier funds must be used to supplement, not supplant, supports already in place. Catapult Learning has a team of experts ready and available to help you track and strategically utilize your Equity Multiplier apportionment.

Catapult Learning offers a suite of evidence-based services and supports to improve outcomes for socioeconomically disadvantaged students who are struggling with non-academic barriers to success including EmpowerU Student Resilience Programming, student counseling, and educator professional development and coaching. Each of our programs provide quarterly reports and measurements as required under Equity Multiplier guidelines.

View Our Webinar: Equity Multiplier Solutions for CA Continuation Schools

Hosted by:

Peter Birdsall, President and Legislative Advocate, Education Advocates, LLC | Sandra Morales, Partner and Legislative Advocate, Education Advocates, LLC

Milton A. Alexander Jr., ED.M, Senior Vice President, Alternative Education, FullBloom

Please view our recent webinar featuring guest speakers Peter Birdsall, Sandra Morales, and Milton A. Alexander Jr. to learn more about the Equity Multiplier and how Continuation and Alt Ed sites can maximize your allocation.

Catapult Learning Services

High-quality services aligned to equity multiplier goals that all include rigorous reporting and turnkey implementation support

Resiliency Programs

Increase Motivation, Well-being & Success

Student-centered approach | Catapult Learnings

Unlock learning and student well-being with the resilience to overcome non-academic barriers to success. For schools aiming to increase student motivation, EmpowerU resilience programs foster confidence and well-being, driving academic excellence and personal growth. After completing EmpowerU, 93% of students experience increased well-being, positively impacting their attendance, behavior, and academic success.

With a proven track record in California and elective credit options for high school students, we are ready to integrate our programs into your curriculum, offering hope to even your most vulnerable students.

Professional Development

Increase Educator Retention

EmpowerU Education - force multiplier for staff

Our Transforming Climate & Culture professional development program strengthens the whole school through an intentional focus on developing executive function and resiliency skills. The development of these critical skills is essential to engaging and inspiring students, while also helping staff become more aware of their own competencies so they can evaluate their own approach to their students and work.

Whether you are looking to increase student performance or increase teacher retention, our program is the perfect fit for your entire school.

Student Counseling

Help Students Achieve Their True Potential

EmpowerU Education - increased resilience in students

Support students in reaching their full academic potential. While students’ needs are becoming increasingly complex, school counseling services are frequently unavailable. Our credentialed, committed, master’s level counselors can supplement your counseling staff or provide turnkey counseling for students or groups of students who need extra support for behavioral, academic, social, and emotional challenges.

Through our program, school counselors, staffed by Catapult Learning, work as a team with the school staff, parents, and the community to create a caring environment where students become healthy, competent, and confident learners.

We’re Here to Help.
Contact Catapult Learning Today.

We understand the pivotal role schools play in maximizing the benefits of the Equity Multiplier program. We can help your school maximize their unique funding allocations. Whether your focus goals target student engagement, attendance, and motivation, or you are seeking support for teacher retention and well-being, Catapult Learning can help with services aligned with your focus goals. Our services are measurable and support reporting cycles that meet the Equity Multiplier requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Documenting efforts to improve student outcomes at Equity Multiplier school sites is required and included in the LCAP template and instructions.  There are several sections in the LCAP that LEAs with Equity Multiplier school sites must address:

  1. General Information.  Identify all schools within LEA receiving Equity Multiplier funding.
  2. Engaging Educational Partners. School sites must consult their educational partners to develop the required Focus goals.
  3. Goals and Actions. Develop Focus goals that are specific, measurable, and time-bound for all student groups with the lowest performance level on one or more state indicators on the California Dashboard and any underlying issues in the credentialing, subject matter preparation, and retention of the school’s educators.
  4. Total Planned Expenditure Table.  Enter the total amount of “Other State Funds’ utilized to implement the actions for the Equity Multiplier sites. Equity Multiplier funds must be used to supplement, not supplant.

School sites with prior-year non-stability rates greater than 25 percent and prior-year socioeconomically disadvantaged pupil rates greater than 70 percent, as reported in the California Department of Education’s Stability Rate Data file. 

Based on the statutory formula, funding will automatically be calculated for each eligible school site and allocated to LEAs through the Principal Apportionment. There is no application process for LCFF Equity Multiplier funding.

The LCFF Equity Multiplier is a school site funding calculation. For each eligible school site, a calculated statewide Equity Multiplier rate ($1,052.6) will be multiplied by each school site’s adjusted cumulative enrollment for the prior year, as identified in the Stability Rate Data file. The school will receive the product of this calculation or $50,000, whichever is greater.

In 2023–24, the total amount of LCFF Equity Multiplier funding to be apportioned is $300 million.  Commencing in 2024–25, this amount will be increased by the cost-of-living-adjustment.

Note: The statewide Equity Multiplier rate is determined by the total amount of LCFF Equity Multiplier funding and the total adjusted cumulative enrollment eligible to generate funding in any given fiscal year. The rate is equal to the amount needed to fully allocate LCFF Equity Multiplier funding.

Funding is included in the LEA’s Principal Apportionment.  LEAs must distribute funding to eligible school sites based on the amounts calculated by the California Department of Education.

Equity Multiplier funds must be used for evidence-based services and supports for students. School sites that generate this funding must create Focus goals that are specific, measurable, and time-bound and must address the following:

  1. All student groups that have the lowest performance level on one or more state indicators on the California Dashboard, and
  2. Any underlying issues in the credentialing, subject matter preparation, and retention of the school’s educators, if applicable.

Equity Multiplier funds must be used to supplement, not supplant, funding provided to Equity Multiplier school sites for purposes of the LCFF, the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P), the Literacy Coaches and Reading Specialists (LCRS), and/or the California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP). This means that Equity Multiplier funds must not be used to replace funding that an Equity Multiplier school site would otherwise receive to implement LEA-wide actions identified in the LEAs Local Control and Accountability Plan or that an Equity Multiplier school site would otherwise receive to implement provisions of the ELO-P, the LCRS, and/or the CCSPP.

The stability rate identifies the number and percent of students who receive a “full year” of learning in the same school. A student is considered non-stable at a school when the student is continuously enrolled for less than 245 days or when they exit the school with a disqualifying exit (truant, expelled, unknown).

What is the difference between Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students and students who are eligible for free or reduced-priced meals?

Any student who is eligible for free or reduced-priced meals is included in the Socioeconomically Disadvantaged student group. The Socioeconomically Disadvantaged student group is comprised of students who meet at least one of the following criteria:

  1. neither of the student’s parents has received a high school diploma
  2. the student is eligible for or participating in the Free Meal program or Reduced-Price Meal program
  3. the student is eligible for or participating in the Title I Part C Migrant program
  4. the student was considered Homeless
  5. the student was Foster Program Eligible
  6. the student was Directly Certified
  7. the student was enrolled in a Juvenile Court School
  8. the student is eligible as a Tribal Foster Youth

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