Proud Partners of Jewish Educators
Jewish-serving schools nationwide have turned to Catapult Learning for the best instructional services, professional development, and specialized services for more than 40 years. We provide research-based educational and support services that improve student outcomes for at-risk students serving over 204 Jewish schools nationally, including:
- Bais Yaakov elementary and high schools
- Boys Yeshivos
- Boys Chaderim
- Community Day Schools – boys, girls and co-ed
- Chabad Schools – girls and boys
- Chasidic Schools – girls and boys
- Reform Day Schools
- Modern Orthodox Schools
- Conservative Day Schools
The Catapult Learning Services
Catapult Learning partners with schools and districts to meet the needs of students, teachers, and leadership teams. Services are flexible, available before, during, or after school. A turnkey summer program is also available to reduce summer learning loss. Whether you use your teachers or ours, we ensure program success through improved student performance.
Program Spotlight: Hebrew Language

Catapult Learning’s Hebrew Language Program develops students’ reading skills in Hebrew, which creates strong, confident readers and provides students with literacy skills that transfer to their learning and practicing of English.
Our secular program includes a research-based curriculum that develops literacy skills across the five pillars of reading in both Hebrew and English.
- Based on sound dual-language research and instructional best practices
- Small-group and individual instruction
- Built-in formative assessments identify challenge areas