What has Jalynn accomplished over the past month to achieve Student of the Month?
While Jalynn is new to HRA enrolling on September 3rd, he has quickly demonstrated the qualities and characteristics worthy of the Student of the Month honor. Staff members frequently commend Jalynn’s work ethic and have stated that he is a pleasure to have in class. Jalynn is extremely respectful to peers and adults and is well liked by his classmates.
Ms. Horter, Jalynn’s 10th-grade English teacher, shared that he is “always willing to help others, has a positive attitude, and a great sense of humor.” Jalynn’s Geometry and Physics teacher, Mrs. Goering, stated that he is “a great participant in class discussions and a happy and kind person.”
What is something Ms. Stanley has accomplished so far this school year that they are proud of?
Jalynn expressed that he likes the people at HRA and that the teachers are relatable. He also enjoys that the school is “small and cozy,” unlike his previous setting in comprehensive public high school. Jalynn stated that his goal for this year is to earn all of his course credits and continue to get better at playing the piano. Jalynn has a very musical family and has been playing the piano for several years. He began as self-taught, playing by ear and following online tutorials, and took formal piano classes at his former high school. Jalynn is excited for the opportunity to display his piano talents at HRA’s annual talent show in the spring.