Community Spotlight
Reinventing the PD Experience
We have had the opportunity to work with the wonderful staff of LUHI school this month. PD: The Experience, presented by Catapult, is a first of its kind, hybrid, station-based professional development. The pictures below show staff members including principals, guidance counselors, and teachers working independently and strengthening their content, working with a group to create a closer bond with their peers, or answering guided questions as a partner group to learn more about strategies that work.

“Education is the key to unlocking the world. It is the passport to freedom.”
Oprah Winfrey
RISE 2022 Overview
The RISE Conference is an annual conference for Religious and Independent Schools in New York State. This year, all 3 PDRCS worked together to provide content for the event. The theme of this year’s conference was Advancing Equity and Access. With over 24 high-interest breakout sessions, leaders from across New York State gathered to collaborate and learn together. Long Island was represented by leaders from independent, Seventh-Day Adventist, Lutheran, Islamic, Christian and Jewish Schools. Jessica Raba of the Long Island Lutheran Middle and High School (LuHi) presented an engaging session on leading with action and maximizing every day to sustain your school’s vision and mission, Talk the Talk AND Walk the Walk: Mission, Vision, and YOUR School. The event was a success and was truly enjoyed by all.
The Assistant Commissioner at New York State Education Department, Christina Coughlin, provided an informative session on various grants available to religious and independent schools and more. Access the informative session here.
Topics included:
- Nonpublic School Safety Equipment Grant (NPSE)
- Academic Intervention Services Grant (AIS)
- Math, Science, and Technology Teachers in Religious and Independent Schools Grant (MST)
- Emergency Assistance for Nonpublic Schools (EANS I & II)
- Mandated Services AID (MSA) and Comprehensive Attendance Policy (CAP)