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The federal education funding landscape can be difficult terrain for even the most experienced educators to navigate. With Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS) funding set to expire in less than a year, districts will be without the critical funding that, beginning in late 2020, helped so many non-public schools—especially those with a high population of low-income students—address and reduce learning loss caused by COVID-19 through a variety of programs and services. There is, however, a way to keep important EANS-funded programs running without interruption…even with EANS funding out of the picture. In this article, we’ll discuss how schools can make the transition from EANS funding to other funding, such as Title and IDEA, and how Catapult Learning can help make this switch seamless.
Why EANS-funded services are so important
An August 2022 survey* revealed just how much the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted students.

EANS funding helped alleviate some of those concerns by allowing schools to pay for much-needed programs that assisted schools and students nationwide in their recovery from the devastating academic and emotional effects of the pandemic. These critical funds enabled schools to procure the services necessary to address unprecedented learning loss and achievement gaps while supporting the well-being of students, their families, and staff.
However, ARP (American Rescue Plan) EANS, the second allocation of funding also known as EANS II, expires on September 30, 2024. That date will be here before we know it, and if schools aren’t prepared, they could face the loss of these important programs. The good news? There is a solution.
Transitioning from EANS to other funding
Schools simply can’t afford to allow EANS services to end once funding expires. But how can these services continue to support students and staff without EANS funding? By transitioning the spending on these services from EANS funding to other funding, like Title and IDEA.
Programs that were funded by EANS can continue through Title or IDEA funding, allowing schools to continue providing these important services. Catapult Learning’s funding experts can help you make this transition so your school a) experiences no interruption in programs or services, and b) receives every funding dollar it’s entitled to.
What types of programs does Title funding cover?
You may have been using your EANS funds for programs such as tutoring, professional development, STEAM learning, and social and emotional support. Title I-IV funding covers all of these services and more. Here’s a breakdown of Title I-IV funding as well as the Catapult Learning services and programs that can be adopted through Title funds.
Title I: Improving the Academic Achievement of Struggling Learners
Title I gives all children the opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, high-quality education, including effective, supplemental instruction for eligible students, professional development for their teachers, and parent and family engagement activities. Some Catapult programs you can use under Title I include:
- Reading and literacy interventions
- Math interventions
- High-dosage tutoring
- Literacy First®
- STEAM and Robotics programs
- Summer school
- Student mentoring
- Counseling
Title II: Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High-Quality Teachers, Principals, or Other School Leaders
Title II funding is intended to increase student academic achievement through supporting programs that improve teacher and principal quality and increase the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom and highly qualified principals and assistant principals in schools. Our Title II-eligible programs include:
- High-impact coaching
- Professional development tracks
- Literacy First®
- School needs assessment
- School transformation
- Workshops and institutes
Title III: Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students
The purpose of Title III is to ensure that English Learners (ELs) attain English proficiency, including instruction specifically for ELs and recent immigrants, support for their teachers and other educational personnel, family engagement activities, and the purchase of materials to support EL instruction and programs for immigrant children and youth.
- High-impact coaching
- Workshops and institutes
- Literacy First®
Title IV: 21st Century Schools
Title IV provides student support, academic enrichment grants, and 21st Century Learning Community Centers. Title IV-A can be allocated toward projects developing well-rounded education, safe and healthy schools, and effective use of technology. Catapult’s Title IV-eligible programs include:
- Reading, literacy, and math interventions
- STEAM and Robotics programs
- Summer school
- High-dosage tutoring
- Student mentoring
- High-impact coaching
- Family Connections
- Counseling
- Workshops and institutes
What types of programs does IDEA funding cover?
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is both a civil rights statute and a federal education program. The overall goal of this funding is to ensure that students with disabilities are provided the same opportunity for education as those students who do not have a disability. Our IDEA-eligible programs include:
- Counseling
- High-impact coaching
- In-class support
- Paraeducator
- Professional development
- Resource center instruction
- Small-group and 1:1 instruction
- Speech and language services
Why transition EANS-funded programs to Catapult Learning’s Title- or IDEA-funded programs?
Put simply, your students need these programs to recover academically and emotionally, and your educators need the support and tools these programs provide to grow their skills and stay for the long term. Catapult Learning, with our decades of funding experience and expertise, is ready to help you keep your programs up and running, without skipping a beat, by partnering with your schools to transition funding from EANS to other funding.
Our school partnership experts help schools understand and navigate funding resource channels to optimize their services and allocation. We’ll customize a solution tailored to your district and school goals, timeline, and budget while assisting school leaders in remaining compliant with federal government requirements.
Let Catapult Learning help you ensure that important services previously funded through EANS continue without interruption through other funding channels. We’re here to assist you with navigating the funding process and to make sure you don’t lose any funding dollars when transitioning from EANS to Title or other funds.
If you have questions or would like to learn more about EANS funding, visit our funding overview page at
*Catapult Learning Survey: A Peek into the Academic, Emotional, and Behavioral Health of Our Students, August 2022