One Senior’s Adventure to Success

Crystal B. is a senior in high school, who is close to the last leg of her journey. Graduation is right around the corner and the idea of school work can be a thing of the past. From struggling with her attendance and classwork over the past few years, Crystal has come to the realization that her years of truancy affected her ability to pass her classes and gain graduation credits. Last school year Crystal's attendance was 66% present. This year Crystal has started the year off strong with being present 91%, Now, gaining a diploma and going [...]

2019-10-09T22:15:27-04:00October 9th, 2019|

Student Highlight – Skyler

This month we would like to showcase one of our bright and promising seniors at Snow Hill High School. Skyler just turned 18 and has begun thinking about his plans and goals after high school. His hobbies are video gaming, talking with friends in online forums, and creating funny memes. He hopes to one day become a detective, but is also working on becoming an author/illustrator in the World of Fantasy. Skyler has always enjoyed writing as a creative outlet. With only a few months until graduation, our staff looks forward to seeing the great achievements Skyler will accomplish [...]

2019-04-08T21:08:57-04:00April 8th, 2019|

5 Questions with Justin B.

For this month we would like to showcase our lone Freshman Dustin B. with a short 5 question interview: How are you enjoying your Freshman year? Dustin B: It's good. It started off shaky, but as time passed with help from you guys it became a lot easier. Good glad to hear that we made the transition easier for you. Now tell us a little about yourself what are your favorite hobbies? Dustin B: I like to do Robotics while in school, but after school and on the weekends I love to play video games! What is your favorite [...]

2019-04-08T21:02:30-04:00March 26th, 2019|

Conquering Tech Ed!

Michael is an eighth grader who has grown immensely in his years with us at High Road. He began taking Technology Education at Snow Hill Middle School this year, learning how to build and make simple machines work. The class was given the assignment to create a project of their choice out of wood. The obstacle tentatively standing in Michael’s way, was using the heavy duty cutting machines. He had some fears about using the machine safely to complete his task, however he came up with a great idea, and he really wanted to see it through. With the [...]

2019-03-01T21:56:17-05:00February 11th, 2019|
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